This year’s Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA Annual Dinner was a special occasion, marking 40 years of international solidarity backed by relentless solidarity and support from the Australian union movement, members, and activists. The event not only celebrated our achievements over the past four decades but also exciting future plans for international trade union development, including the Pacific region. 

The night’s highlight was the keynote panel with Felix Anthony, the National Secretary of the Fiji Trade Union Congress (FTUC) and Sandar Soe, Assistant General Secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions Myanmar, (CTUM) 

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Building union power and democracy in the region

“In Fiji, people couldn’t speak out, whether it was for democracy or for trade union right, but that fear has been removed. We have a young democracy now, and people are coming out of the shell, we are seeing more workers joining trade unions,” said Felix Anthony. 

Felix, who faced imprisonment for being a unionist, has spent decades advocating for the rights of unions and workers across the Asia-Pacific region. His powerful speech reflected the challenges trade unions had to endure in Fiji for the fight for democracy, emphasizing the importance of continuing their vigilant role. 

Currently, workers in the region and globally are supporting the fight to restore democracy against the authoritarian regime in Myanmar. Unions have been key in supporting the liberation movement there, working under dire conditions such as imprisonment and exile, which is the situation faced by Sandar Soe, Assistant Secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions Myanmar (CTUM). 

“What do we want? Article 33! When do we want it? Now!” was the slogan everyone chanted. 

Sandar Soe explained to the audience that workers in Myanmar with the support of Global unions are campaigning for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to invoke Article 33 of its constitution as the military junta ruling Myanmar has failed to carry out the recommendations given after an ILO Commission of Inquiry found serious violations of Forced Labour and Freedom of Association protocols. 

“We are telling the Australian government to call on ASEAN governments to stand together with workers and support our call to invoke article 33 at the ILO,” said the union leader. 

Sandar Soe, Assistant Secretary of the Confederation of Trade Unions Myanmar (CTUM), led a chant while displaying Myanmar’s resistance hand sign.

Update from Palestine 

The establishment of Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA was inspired by the solidarity work Australian nurse Helen McCue witnessed in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The Palestinian peoples’ ongoing struggle for liberty and dignity continues to hold a special place in our work, evidenced by our long-term partnerships with organisations like the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation in Lebanon and the MA’AN Development Center in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. 

A minute’s silence for all victims was held during the evening, led by Helen McCue, APHEDA’s co-founder. Helen prefaced this remembrance with a message sent from Palestine by the Director of MA’AN. 

“We have full confidence that APHEDA will continue its mission to support the Palestinian people, especially in light of the ongoing war crimes across all of Palestine. The urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza, along with the broader struggle for a ceasefire, real peace, justice, and Palestinian self-determination, demand unwavering solidarity from the international community,” said Sami Khader, Director of the MA’AN Development Center. 

Thanks for standing strong 

Over the past 40 years, Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA has been able to achieve so much thanks to the incredible solidarity of the Australian union movement. From providing emergency aid to standing with workers in their struggles for rights and justice, the contribution of Australian unions, members, and activists has been the bedrock upon which our work is based. 

The dinner also provided an opportunity to reflect on what’s next. As we continue to build on the foundation of international solidarity, our focus will remain on growing our international program that promotes justice and decent work. Our expanded efforts for trade union development in Asia and the Pacific region will be at the heart of this, ensuring that the voices of workers are heard and respected across borders. 

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended the dinner and to all those who have supported Union Aid Abroad–APHEDA over the years. Your continued collective action has made a real difference, and together, we can look forward to building even stronger international solidarity in the future. 

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