Workers in Indonesia are gearing up for a just energy transition

News Post

Mar 27, 2024


Indonesia has committed to net zero emissions by 2060 meaning there will be a transformation in the energy sector. It’s crucial to ensure that workers’ voices are heard as the country phases fossil fuels out of its electricity grid.  

To address this, we are collaborating with trade unions in Indonesia to conduct thorough analyses and develop strategic plans for a fair transition for workers within the sector. Colin Long, an expert in climate change, energy policy, and just transition at Victoria Trades Hall Council, recently visited Indonesia to provide essential training on climate justice and just transition to members of the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) and the Confederation of Indonesia Prosperity Trade Union (KSBSI). 

To learn more about the efforts towards a just transition in Indonesia, watch the video below. 

 Union Aid Abroad APHEDA supports KSPI, KSBSI and SP PLN in Indonesia with funding from SASK and GIZ.