The global humanitarian situation is in crisis. 2023 was marked as the deadliest year for humanitarian workers and the most violent since World War II, while 2024 continues this trend with over 55 armed conflicts. On this day, it is crucial to address this deepening crisis of violence by redoubling our efforts in solidarity, social organisation, and internationalism — key actions that enable us to confront global injustices.

We also want to highlight our partner organisations, who are true beacons of hope amidst the global humanitarian crisis. In particular, we commend the staff at the MA’AN Development Center in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and our partners on the Thai-Myanmar border supporting migrants and refugees fleeing the junta’s authoritarianism.


P’doh Naw Zipporah from the Karen Women’s Organisation.

P’doh Naw Zipporah and the Karen Women’s Organisation

P’doh Naw Zipporah was a Karen leader in the struggle for freedom and equality—a woman of great courage and wisdom who passed away on 24 July 2024. Hand in hand with hundreds of Karen women, she built the KWO into what it is today, a thriving, empowered community organisation led by women. She demonstrated how to be a good leader for her community by always consulting, sharing power, and using it for the benefit of all. She was a strong Indigenous woman and a fierce fighter against injustice and oppression.

From a young age, P’doh Naw Zipporah recognised the value of knowledge and skills and always supported her organisation in training and learning.

“She was resilient and gentle too, a role model. It was her great strength that she welcomed and accepted women and girls of all ages and backgrounds, always making us feel important and that we could do more, do better, and not be afraid”, said her sisters.

She steadfastly supported women, a natural feminist, an environmentalist, a peacemaker, and a protector of human rights for all.

As Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, we pay our respects and express our admiration for her work.

MA’AN Development Center workers delivering humanitarian aid in Gaza, 2024.

Sami Kader and the MA’AN Development Center

Sami Khader is the Director of the MA’AN Development Center in Palestine, a long-term partner organisation of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA. They work with the poorest and most marginalised sectors of society in three main areas: agriculture and natural resources, social and economic empowerment for youth and women, and social protection. MA’AN operates across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip through their seven branches. However, following attacks by the Israeli military, their Gaza offices now lie in ruins.

We have had the honour of working with MA’AN for the last 34 years, achieving significant results across various fields. However, the humanitarian situation they work in is dire. Of their 230 staff in Gaza, 5 have been killed, and nearly all have lost family members and friends to the bombs.

“Our people have endured 16 years of oppressive blockade, turning Gaza, home to 2.4 million Palestinians, into the world’s largest open-air prison.” —Sami Khader, Director of MA’AN Development Center.

Despite these difficult circumstances, MA’AN staff remain focused on providing emergency aid, even at great personal risk.

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA stands in solidarity with MA’AN and its dedicated staff, who continue to work under unimaginable conditions. Their resilience and commitment to organising and supporting their community embody the spirit of humanity and justice.

Sami Khader, Director of the MA’AN Development center.

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